Speeches by Adolf Hitler

Most of the speeches were taken from three books:
Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations, 1932-1945 by Max Domarus, first published in German, then English translation by Mary Fran Gilbert and Chris Wilcox. A lot of its translations are taken directly from earlier sources as noted on p.551:

Early sources for Hitler's speeches in English translation mainly for the years up to 1939: Norman H. Baynes, The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, 1922–1939 (2 vols., oxford, 1942); Gordon W. Prange, Hitler's Words (Washington, 1943); Count Raoul de Roussy de Sales, My New Order (New York, 1941).

The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922 - August 1939

My New Order (1973) by Raoul De Roussy de Sales

The book contains around 100 speeches (98 excerpts, some of them not technically speeches) that Hitler made between years 1922 and 1941.

To establish the English text of the speeches, several sources have been utilized, among them the London Times, the New York Times, the Associated Press or the official German version. We acknowledge particularly the courtesy of The New York Times and the Associated Press in permitting the use of their dispatches. But special mention should be made of the important translation prepared by the Royal Institute of International Affairs of London, under the editorship of Professor Norman Baynes, which gives substantial excerpts of Hitler's speeches from 1922 to September, 1939. Thanks to the Institute and to the Oxford University Press of London and New York, which is later publishing this translation in America in two volumes, it has been possible to utilize this valuable documentation for this volume.

A good number of those speeches can be found here: http://www.hitler.org/speeches/

Speech of April 12, 1922, 12-27
Speech of July 28, 1922, 28-44
Speech of September 18, 1922, 45-46

Speech of April 10, 1923, 47-49
Speech of April 13, 1923, 49-56
Speech of April 24, 1923, 56-59
Speech of April 27, 1923, 59-62
Speech of May 1, 1923, 62-64
Speech of August 1, 1923, 64-66
Speech of September 12, 1923, 67-70

Speech of February 26, 1924, 71-81
Speech of March 27, 1924, 81-84

Speech of November 23, 1926, 85-87

Speech of September 16, 1930, 87-92

Speech of January 27, 1932, 92-125

Proclamation To The German Nation, February 1, 1933, 142-148
Speech of February 15, 1933, 148-150
Speech of March 23, 1933, 151-159
Speech of April 8, 1933, 159-162
Speech of May 10, 1933, 162-172
Speech of May 17, 1933, 172-184
Speech of July 22, 1933, 184-188
Speech of August 27, 1933, 189-191
Speech of September 1, 1933, 191-198
Speech of September 3, 1933, 198-209
Speech of October 14, 1933, 209-219
Speech of October 17, 1933, 220-222
Speech of October 30, 1933, 223-224
Speech of November 10, 1933, 224-227
Speech of December 11, 1933, 228-231

Speech of January 30, 1934, 231-242
Speech of March 19, 1934, 242-245
Speech of March 21, 1934, 245-252
Speech of July 13, 1934, 253-279
Speech of August 17, 1934, 279-286
Speech of September 8, 1934, 286-289
Speech of September 10, 1934, 289-295

Speech of January 15, 1935, 295-298
Speech of March 1, 1935, 299-301
Proclamation of March 16, 1935, 301-305
Speech of May 1, 1935, 305-308
Speech of May 21, 1935, 308-335
Speech of September 13, 1935, 335-338
Speech of September 15, 1935, 339-340
Speech of September 16, 1935, 340-342

Speech of January 15, 1936, 343-344
Speech of February 12, 1936, 345-346
Speech of March 7, 1936, 362-384
Speech of March 20, 1936, 384-386
Proclamation At Party Convention, September 9, 1936, 386-399
Speech of September 12, 1936, 400-402
Speech of September 14, 1936, 402-406

Speech of January 30, 1937, 406-418
Speech of May 1, 1937, 418-421
Speech of July 18, 1937, 421-423
Speech of September 13, 1937, 424-428
Speech of September 28, 1937, 428-431

Speech of February 20, 1938, 431-447
Speech of March 12, 1938, 466-468
Speech of March 18, 1938, 468-477
Speech of March 25, 1938, 477-481
Speech of April 9, 1938, 482-485
Speech of May 7, 1938, 485-489
Speech of May 26, 1938, 489-491
Speech of September 6, 1938, 491-498
Speech of September 6, 1938, 498-504
Speech of September 12, 1938, 504-515
Speech of September 26, 1938, 515-533
Speech of October 3, 1938, 534-535
Speech of October 4, 1938, 535-536
Speech of October 5, 1938, 536-539
Speech of October 9, 1938, 539-545
Speech of November 6, 1938, 545-550
Speech of November 8, 1938, 550-556

Speech of January 12, 1939, 557-558
Speech of January 30, 1939, 559-596
Speech of February 24, 1939, 596-599
Speech of March 23, 1939, 613-615
Speech of April 1, 1939, 615-629
Speech of April 28, 1939, 629-679
Speech of September 1, 1939, 679-692
Speech of September 19, 1939, 693-707
Speech of October 6, 1939, 721-757
Speech of October 10, 1939, 757-760
The Speech of November 8, 1939, 760-767

Speech of January 30, 1940, 767-782
Speech of February 24, 1940, 782-789
Speech of March 10, 1940, 789-790
Speech of July 19, 1940, 804-840
Speech of September 4, 1940 - Wartime Winter Relief Campaign, 840-854
Speech of November 8, 1940, 870-873
Speech of December 10, 1940, 873-900

Speech of January 30, 1941, 900-926
Speech of February 24, 1941, 926-936
Speech of March 16, 1941, 937-942
Hitler's Order of The Day, April 6, 1941, 942-947
Speech of May 4, 1941, 947-963
Proclamation of June 22, 1941, 974-987

This is by no means a complete list of all the speeches Hitler ever gave in his lifetime. Those would number in the thousands. The point here is not merely to list all of Hitler's speeches available in translated English, but also transcribe some of the more important speeches that Hitler made

Year Full Date Place Notes
1922April 12Munich SAVE It
There are only two possibilities: either victory of the Aryan or annihilation of the Aryan and the victory of the Jew.
1922July 28Munich SAVE IT ALL
1922September 18Munich
1923April 10Munich
1923April 13Munich only violence and force can preserve indepence. jews were november criminals. jews were behind "pacification" and destruction of germany that made them lose ww1
1923April 24Munich jews were behind class divisions indifferent borgeouse which lead to jewish dominated working class masses. uselessness of the right... all the political energy comes from the left but it is used for the ruin of germany.
1923April 27Munich germany is in need of "land reform"... education reform. press reform. art reform culture reform...
Our present law regards only the rights of the individual. It does not regard the protection of the race, the protection of the community of the people. It permits the befouling of the nation's honor and of the greatness of the nation. A law which is so far removed from the conception of the community of the people is in need of reform.
1923May 1Munich internationalism siginificies "senility" and the end of a people lacking character...
In the life of peoples senility means internationalism. What is born of senility? Nothing, nothing at all. Whatever in human civilization has real value, that arose not out of internationalism; it sprang from the soul of a single people. When peoples have lost their creative vigor, then they become international. Everywhere, wherever intellectual incapacity rules in the life of peoples, there internationalism appears. And it is no chance that the promoter of this cast of thought is a people which itself can boast of no real creative force - the Jewish people.
we (national socialists) must start loving our nation "fanatically"... love faith and hope!
We have faith that one day Heaven will bring the Germans back into a Reich over which there shall be no Soviet star, no Jewish star of David, but above that Reich there shall be the symbol of German labor - the Swastika. And that will mean that the first of May has truly come.
1923August 1Munich
The domestic battle must come before the battle with the world without - the final decision between those who say 'We are Germans and proud of the fact' and those who do not wish to be Germans or who are not Germans at all. Our Movement is opposed with the cry 'The Republic is in danger!' Your Republic of the Ninth of November? In very truth it is: the November-Republic is in danger!
1923September 12Munich "november state" the new german state was founded by traitors who see germany as a "cash cow" colony rather than a great german state built up by heroic leaders as it once was.
We were given a Free State which never deserved the name of 'free.' Then they called it a 'People's State.' But think you that bankers can form a government which befits a 'People's State'? In fact the Revolution made three changes in our State: it internationalized the German State, the economic life of Germany, and the German people itself. Thereby Germany has been turned into a colony of the outside world. Those who were fed with the ideal of the International were in fact placed under the 'Diktat' of the International. They have their international State: today international finance is king. ... Through the internationalization of the nation itself in the end a people ceases to be master of its own fate: it becomes the puppet of alien forces. Is that, now, a People's Revolution? Is such a construction a People's State? No, it is the Jews' Paradise.
1924February 26Before the Munich Court explaining the failed coup... Beer Hall Putsch
It seems strange to me that a man who, as a soldier, was for six years accustomed to blind obedience, should suddenly come into conflict with the State and its Constitution. The reasons for this stem from the days of my youth. When I was seventeen I came to Vienna, and there I learned to study and observe three important problems: the social question, the race problem, and, finally, the Marxist movement. I left Vienna a confirmed anti-Semite, a deadly foe of the whole Marxist world outlook, and pan-German in my political principles. And since I knew that the German destiny of German-Austria would not be fought out in the Austrian Army alone, but in the German and Austrian Army, I enlisted in the German Army.
The prisons to which our comrades are being sent will be places of honor for German youth.
1924March 27Before the Munich Court
The maintenance of world peace cannot be the purpose and aim of the policy of a State. The increase and maintenance of a people - that alone can be the aim.
For, gentlemen, it is not you who pronounce judgment upon us, it is the eternal Court of History which will make its pronouncement upon the charge which is brought against us. The judgment that you will pass, that I know. But that Court will not ask of us: 'Have you committed high treason or not?' That Court will judge us ... who as Germans have wished the best for their people and their Fatherland, who wished to fight and to die. You may declare us guilty a thousand times, but the Goddess who presides over the Eternal Court of History will with a smile tear in pieces the charge of the Public Prosecutor and the judgment of the Court: for she declares us guiltless.
1926November 23Essen, Party Convention
World-history, like all events of historical significance, is the result of the activity of single individuals - is not the fruit of majority decisions.
1930September 16Munich
Men do not exist for the State, the State exists for men.
1932 january 1 -- New Year's proclamation QUOTED IN DOMARUS
1932January 27Duesseldorf, Industry Club The speech was delivered before a private audience of financiers and big business men who financed Hitler.
Politics is nothing else and can be nothing else than the safeguarding of a people's vital interests and the practical waging of its life-battle with every means. Thus it is quite clear that this life-battle from the first has its starting-point in the people itself and that at the same time the people is the object - the real thing of value - which has to be preserved. All functions of this body formed by the people must in the last resort fulfill only one purpose - to secure in the future the maintenance of this body which is the people. I can therefore say neither that foreign policy nor economic policy is of primary significance. Of course, a people needs the business world in order to live. But business is but one of the functions of this body-politic whereby its existence is assured. But primarily the essential thing is the starting-point and that is the people itself.
Democracy will in practice lead to the destruction of a people's true values. And this also serves to explain how it is that peoples with a great past from the time when they surrender themselves to the unlimited, democratic rule of the masses slowly lose their former position; for the outstanding achievements of individuals which they still possess or which could be produced in all spheres of life are now rendered practically ineffective through the oppression of mere numbers. And thus in these conditions a people will gradually lose its importance not merely in the cultural and economic spheres but altogether; in a comparatively short time it will no longer, within the setting of the other peoples of the world, maintain its former value.
The conception of pacifism is logical if I once admit a general equality amongst peoples and human beings. For in that case what sense is there in conflict? The conception of pacifism translated into practice and applied to all spheres must gradually lead to the destruction of the competitive instinct, to the destruction of the ambition for outstanding achievement.
I must above all recognize that it is not the primary of foreign politics which can determine our action in the domestic sphere, rather, the character of our action in the domestic sphere is decisive for the character of the success of our foreign policy - nay more - it must determine the success of all the aims which, we set before.
Quoted in Domarus the two and a half hour speech that won over the industrialists who were very skeptical of NSDAP especially since of "socialism" in its name. A single supreme command should govern the state, just as in the army or, even better, in a company! SAVE IT All
1932 February 27 Berlin Sportpalast. QUOTED IN DOMARUS
1932 March 15 uknown QUOTED IN DOMARUS after lost election. about social democrats and other parties forming coalition and voting hindenrburg in order to defeat NSDAP.
1932 June 28 Radio Broadcast SAVE IT ALL The recording was extolled in the July 15th edition of the Volkischer Beobachter as "the first Adolf-Hitler record" and bore the title, "Appeal to the Nation," Domarus
1933February 1Berlin
Fourteen years of Marxism have ruined Germany; one year of Bolshevism would destroy her.
1933February 15Stuttgart
We are convinced that the restoration to health of our people must start from the restoration to health of the body politic itself, and we are persuaded of the truth that the future of our people, as in the past so now, lies first of all in the German peasant. If he perishes, our end has come; if he survives, then Germany will never go under. There lie the strength and the source of our people's life, the source of our renewal. The towns would not exist at all, if the peasant did not fill them with his blood. The dweller in our countryside may be primitive, but he is healthy.
Our wish is that responsible folk should once more be brought together so that every class and every individual should be given that authority over those below and that responsibility towards those above which are essential if one is to build up the life of a community. We do not want so to educate the nation that it lives for ideas and artificial constructions; we want to test all ideas and constructions to discover how far they are capable of serving the nation's life.
1933March 23Berlin, Reichstag everything is a MEANS to an en, not an end in itself. arrange everything to serve the greater good
1933April 8Berlin, Sportpalast SAVE ALL OF It
The great epoch which for fourteen years we awaited has now begun. Germany is awake now...
1933May 10Berlin, Congress of the German Work Front
Amidst all the crises under which we suffer and which do but present a single connected picture, perhaps that which the people feels most acutely is the economic crisis. The political crisis, the moral crisis, are only very rarely felt by the individual. The average man sees in the experiences of his day not that which affects the community as a whole but for the most part only that which strikes himself. Therefore the present has only very rarely any consciousness of political or moral collapse so long as this collapse does not extend in one way or another into economic life.
1933May 17Berlin, Reichstag
In any future cases of conflict the vanquished will always be the guilty party, because the victor can establish this fact in the easiest manner possible.
1933July 22Radio broadcast from Bayreuth
1933August 27Tannenberg
1933September 1Nuremberg, Festhalle of the Luitpoldhain SAVE IT ALL!
As sole possessor of State power, the Party must recognize that it bears the entire responsibility for the course of German history. The work of education which the Movement must carry on is tremendous. For it is not enough to organize the State in accordance with pacific principles; it is necessary to educate the people inwardly. Only if the people has an intimate sympathy with the principles and methods which inspire and move the organization of its State, will there grow up a living organism instead of a dead, because purely formal and mechanistic, organization.
1933September 3Nuremberg SAVE IT All
Nietzsche's word that a blow which does not fell a strong man only strengthens him found its verification a thousandfold. Every blow increased our defiance, every persecution increased our resolution, and that which did fall away proved in its falling away to be the greatest good fortune for the Movement.
1933October 14Berlin, Reichstag
National Socialist Germany has no other wish than to direct the competition of European people again to those fields of endeavor upon which they have given to all humanity through the noblest mutual rivalry those magnificent boons to civilization, culture, and art which today enrich and beautify the picture of the world.
If Red insurrection had overswept Germany like a firebrand, certainly Western Europe's lands of culture would have realized that it is not immaterial whether on the Rhine and on the North Sea the outposts of the spiritually and revolutionary expansive Asiatic world empire stood watch or the peaceful German peasants and workers, who, in honest feeling of comradeship with other nations of our European culture, desire to earn their bread by honest labor. When the National Socialist Movement tore Germany back from the brink of this threatening catastrophe, it not only saved the German people but also rendered a historical service to the rest of Europe.
1933October 17Berlin
My predecessors in the Government suffered, so to speak, from the 'Geneva sickness.' That made them pessimists concerning the nation, optimists concerning the League. I, on the other hand, am an optimist concerning my people but a pessimist concerning Geneva and the League of Nations.
1933October 30Frankfurt
We may be isolated, but dishonored, never! I would prefer not to enter into agreements which I must purchase at the price of my honor: and when they say 'But then you will be isolated,' then I declare I would rather be isolated with honor, than be tolerated without honor.
1933November 10Siemensstadt
I have grown up from amongst yourselves; once I myself was a workman; for four and a half years I served amongst you in the War; I speak now to you to whom I belong, with whom I still feel myself to be united and for whom in the last resort I fight. ... I wage that fight for the millions of our honest, industrious, working, creative people. ... I was in my youth a worker as you are; through industry, through learning, and, I may say, also through hunger I slowly worked my way up. But in my innermost being I have always remained that which I once was.
1933December 11Berlin
This Movement must tower above all pettiness and petty ideas. The possibilities which are ours today may perhaps not return for hundreds of years. We shall all one day be together weighed in the balance and together we shall be judged. Either we shall together stand this test or history will condemn us together.
1934January 30Berlin, Reichstag
In principle, the German Government starts with the assumption that, as regards the form of our relations with other countries, it is obviously a matter of indifference what kind of constitution and form of government the nations may be pleased to adopt for themselves. It is an absolutely private matter for each nation to determine the form of its internal life in accordance with its own estimation of its requirements. Hence the selection of the spiritual content and the constructive form of the organization and government of Germany according to the German people's own conception is also a private affair which concerns no one except the German people themselves.
1934March 19Munich KEEP IT All
There is no romance in world history more wonderful than the development of our Party.
We fight for an independent German people. If God created the German tribes, they will remain. If anyone says, 'What then of the single States? After all God made them too.' No! Men made the States. State forms have always been transitory. Look back a hundred years, two hundred, three hundred years, and study the map and the changes marked on it. And if anyone says to me, 'But from now on things must remain as they are,' I can only answer: 'Sir, if you have grown sterile, our German people is anything but sterile.' The people is still living: it feels its way open towards its goal and strives towards it, and therefore the map of our Reich will change in the future and in it there will be further alterations.
1934March 21Unterhaching SAVE IT ALL
We wished to make a revolution, and a revolution was in fact made. But it is only the meanest spirit which can regard the essence of a revolution as consisting merely in destruction. We, on the contrary, regarded it as consisting in a gigantic work of reconstruction.
1934July 13Berlin, Reichstag
January 30 [1933] was therefore not the day when our Government formally took over responsibility from the hands of another Government, it was rather the final liquidation, long desired by the nation, of an intolerable state of affairs.
1934August 17Hamburg
For I am nothing, my fellow countrymen, but the spokesman on your behalf, and I have no desire to be anything but the representative of your life and the defender of your vital interests.
1934September 8Nuremberg SAVE IT All
If one says that man's world is the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, one might be tempted to say that the world of woman is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her house. But where would the greater world be if there were no one to care for the small world? How could the greater world survive if there were none to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives?
1934September 10Nuremberg aristocratic principles of nazi party SAVE IT ALL
The Party represents an elite, a natural aristocracy, ... which must be preserved by exercising a rigorous choice of its members.
1935January 15Berchtesgaden SAVE IT ALL about plebscite in saars
1935March 1Saarbrucken SAVE IT ALL
This day is not a day of good fortune for Germany alone. I believe that this day is a fortunate day for the whole of Europe.
1935March 16Radio Broadcast germany is re-arming itself!
1935May 1Berlin SAVE IT ALL!
A writer has summed up the impressions made on him by this time in a book which he entitled 'The Decline of the West.' Is it then really to be the end of our history and of our peoples? Not we cannot believe it.
1935May 21Berlin, Reichstag
1935September 13Nuremberg, Reichstag SAVE IT ALL he wished to make his first task the education of German youth in the spirit of National Socialism.
1935September 15Nuremberg, Reichstag racial purity laws and the jewish question
1935September 16Nuremberg, Address to Army SAVE IT ALL
The army was not merely in war the nation's great defense, it was in peace the splendid school of our people.
1936January 15Detmold
1936February 12Schwerin SAVE IT ALL Gustloff assassinated by a jewish student
1936March 7Berlin, Reichstag
European peoples represent just one family of this world - often somewhat quarrelsome, but, despite everything, related to one another and not separable spiritually, culturally, or economically.
1936March 20Hamburg
The opinion that European order can be founded permanently on the defamation of a people numbering 67,000,000 is lunatic and madness. They do not need to think that the German nation has rebelled simply because a certain man, Adolf Hitler, stands at its head. No, if I were not there, another would have come sooner or later. Germany will live longer than such an opinion will live.
1936September 9Nuremberg SAVE IT ALL
1936September 12Nuremberg, Labor-Front SAVE IT ALL
Wages are not based on production; production itself is the wage.
1936September 14Nuremberg SAVE IT ALL
Democracy is the canal through which Bolshevism lets its poisons flow into the separate countries and lets them work there long enough for these infections to lead to a crippling of intelligence and of the force of resistance.
1937January 30Berlin, Reichstag
1937May 1Berlin SAVE IT ALL
1937July 18Munich we will stamp out all degenerate art
1937September 13Nuremberg
This is the greatest crisis in which humanity has ever found itself, the greatest upheaval since the advent of Christianity. It may be unpleasant for democratic statesmen to concern themselves with Bolshevism, but it will not matter whether they will want to or not - they will have to deal with it.
1937September 28Munich SAVE IT ALL mussolini visit
1938February 20Berlin, Reichstag
I cannot permit the conclusion to be drawn that we should not be prepared to fight for the principles of justice just because we are not in the League of Nations. On the contrary, we do not belong to the League of Nations because we believe that it is not an institution of justice but an institution for defending the interests of Versailles.
There are more than 10,000,000 Germans in States adjoining Germany which before 1865 were joined to the bulk of the German nation by a national link. Until 1918 they fought in the great war shoulder to shoulder with the German soldiers of the Reich. Against their own free will they were prevented by peace treaties from uniting with the Reich.
1938March 12Linz, Austria
If Providence once called me forth from this town to be the leader of the Reich, it must, in so doing, have given to me a commission, and that commission could be only to restore my dear homeland to the German Reich.
1938March 18Berlin, Reichstag
1938March 25Königsberg SAVE IT All
... and then one day there came the hour when one had to make a decision before one's conscience, before one's own people, and before an eternal God Who had created the peoples. And a fortnight ago I made that decision, and it was the only possible decision. For when men are deaf to every behest of justice, then the individual must assert his rights himself. Then he must turn to that ancient creed: Help yourself and then God will help you. And God has helped us!
1938April 9Vienna
I believe that it was God's will to send a boy from here into the Reich, to let him grow up, to raise him to be the leader of the nation so as to enable him to lead back his homeland into the Reich.
For every people there is only one help possible: the help which lies in itself. But for that there is a condition: the people must come together into a single closely united body, for only from such a unity can the strength to win salvation come.
I have not relied upon Geneva or Moscow, but on one thing alone, on my people, on Germany.
Others have built castles in the clouds, but we build for our German folk an earthly but a decent life.
1938May 7Rome
1938May 26Fallersleben To inaugurate new automobile plant
1938September 6Nuremberg SAVE IT ALL
Perhaps in the future one may speak of a miracle that destiny worked on us. Be that as it may, at the beginning of this miracle stood belief - the betief in the eternal German nation. ... The creative bearer of this rebirth is the National Socialist party. ... It had to cleanse Germany of all parasites for whom the distress of the Fatherland and of the people was a source of personal enrichment. It had to recognize the eternal values of blood and soil and raise them to the level of the governing laws of our life. It had to begin to fight against the greatest enemy that threatened to destroy our people: the international Jewish world enemy. Its task was to cleanse the German nation, our race and our culture from this enemy.
1938September 6Nuremberg (Kultur-Sogung) a passionate interpretation of National Socialist cultural policy, which he considered of more lastirg importance than any other phase of the regime.
We Germans can today speak with justice of a new awakening of our cultural life, which finds its confirmation not in mutual compliments and literary phrases, but rather in positive evidences of cultural creative force. German architecture, sculpture, painting, drama, and the rest bring today documentary proof of a creative period in art, which for richness and impetuosity has rarely been matched in the course of human history. And although the Jewish-democratic press magnates in their effrontery even today seek brazenly to turn these facts upside down, we know that the cultural achievements of Germany will in a few years have won from the world respect and appreciation far more unstinted even than that which they now accord to our work in the material field. The buildings which are arising in the Reich today will speak a language that endures, a language, above all, more compelling than the Yiddish gabblings of the democratic, international judges of our culture.
1938September 12Nuremberg SAVE IT ALL
1938September 26Berlin SAVE IT - FIVE STARS!!! "Invention of Czechoslovakia" is worth!"
This whole work for peace, my fellow-countrymen, is no mere empty phrase, but this work is reinforced through deeds which no lying mouth can destroy.
1938October 3Eger, Czechoslovakia  
1938October 4Carlsbad, Czechoslovakia  
1938October 5Sportpalast, Berlin
1938October 9Saarbruecken
Opposite us are statesmen who - that, we must believe of them - also want peace. However, they govern in countries whose internal construction makes it possible for them at any time to be supplanted by others who do not aim at peace. These others are there. In England, it merely is necessary that instead of Chamberlain, a Duff Cooper or an Eden or a Churchill come into power. We know that the aim of these men would be to start war. They do not attempt to hide it.
1938November 6Weimar
1938November 8Munich SAVE IT ALL
1939January 12Berlin
1939January 30Berlin, Reichstag SAVE IT ALL
1939February 24Munich SAVE IT ALL To the Old Guard
The only thing that can trouble our rejoicing is the thought that some comrades did not live to see the final victory. This is the feeling I had last year. There is the old Austrian general who lived cleanly all his life, thought only of Greater Germany and fought for Greater Germany - old General Krauss. And then, a few days before I marched into his homeland - for he was a Sudeten German - the old man closed his eyes forever. Probably he would have been overcome by his joy. Perhaps it would have killed him. However, though we must regret that individuals, that so many comrades, have not been able to rejoice with us, there is one consolation. We know that their struggle was not in vain; in the end they attained their goal, if only in that their spirit was with us and in us.
1939March 23Memel, Town Theater welcoming new germans. 2 minute speech.
1939April 1Wilhelmshaven
Everyone had an idea of some sort. And I, as an unknown soldier of the World War, drew my conclusions. It was a very short and simple program. It ran: Removal of the internal enemies of the nation, termination of the divisions within Germany, the gathering up of the entire national strength of our people into a new community, and the breaking of the peace treaty - in one way or another! ... In place of a great number of parties, social ranks, and societies, a single community now has taken its place - the German national community! To bring it to realization and to deepen it more and more is our task.
1939April 28Berlin, Reichstag
Year Date Place Speech
1932January 1Munich New Year's Proclamation to the Party
1932January 27Düsseldorf Speech
1932July 15 n/a Appeal to the Nation
1932February 27Berlin Speech of February 27, 1932
1932December 10Breslau Excerpt
1932December 11Dresden Excerpt from a Speech
1932December 17-18Halle Excerpt
1933January 1Munich New Year's Proclamation to the National Socialists and Party Comrades
1933January 3Munich Speech agriculture, blood and soil, lebensraum...
1933January 4Detmold Speech
1933January 5Leopoldshöhe and Örlinghausen Speech
1933January 22Berlin Speech
1933January 23??? Speech
1933February 1Berlin Hitler's Proclamation to the German Nation
1933February 2??? Speech
1933February 10Berlin Speech
1933February 11Berlin Hitler speaks at the opening of the International Automobile and Motorcycle Exhibition on the Kaiserdamm in Berlin.
1933February 24Munich Speech
1933March 4Königsberg Short Excerpt of a Speech
1933March 11Berlin Short Excerpt of a Speech
1933April 8Berlin Excerpts from a Speech
1933April 22Munich Excerpts from a Speech at a convention of NSDAP leaders.
1933May 1Berlin Full Speech
1933May 10??? Excerpts
1933May 17Kiel Excerpt
1933May 17Berlin Full Speech
1933August 27Tannenberg Memorial Speech
1933August 27Niederwald Monument Speech
1933September 1Nuremberg Speeches Hitler speaks at the first party congress - multiple speeches
1933September 20Berlin Speech speech on the economy...
1933September 23Frankfurt am Main Speech Hitler speaking before a gathering of German Autobahn workers near near Frankfurt am Main.
1933October 1Bückeberg Speech
1935 September 11 Nuremberg Seventh National Socialist Congress: Three speches given that day:
Restoration of German Liberty, Art and Politics, and Basis of Nationhood