Source: Domarus. pp. 220-221;

Hitler's speech on January 22, 1933


Today we see more clearly perhaps than ever before the necessity of the existence of the Party and the National Socialist Movement which has become an integral part of German history. When descent, tradition and conceit rip human beings apart, a political will must somehow reunite them.

The accomplishments of this Movement to date consist of no more than what Prussia did long ago after the decline of the old German Empire: to counter the fragmentation of life in Germany in myriad groups, associations, and parties once more with one great unified will of the nation.

This mission of establishing a new platform, upon which every German who has the will to devote himself to his Volk may tread, has been assigned to our Movement and, in fourteen years of struggle, it has already been accomplished to a large extent, and we shall finish it.

It is our great goal to build a foundation guaranteeing the life of our Volk for many centuries to come.

An immense project which we must accomplish on our own, an immense task, for our structure must be a structure for the centuries. Anything great requires struggle, and the path to freedom is a path of struggle. Resistance is there to be broken.

One can steel one's own strength only by combatting the opposition's resistance, and it is only in overcoming this resistance that the justification for our final victory lies. It is essential that our government establish a regiment deeply rooted in the Volk itself and not floating in the clouds and forging plans which can never become reality.

Only when the unity between leadership and following has been reestablished and has evoked the power which lies deeply rooted in the völkisch soil, will a regiment be capable of performing great tasks.

But when one is fighting such a heroic battle for the inner uplifting of a Volk, then a steadfastness is required in the face of all those who, blinded by the questions of the day, believe they can find another way which is easier and leads more quickly to success.

We should not be led to believe that tactical dodges can replace principles. Steadfastness—that is primarily the job of the leaders; particularly at crucial moments, it is the leaders who must personify the conscience of the nation, its past and its future.

They must not then give way, not be cowardly nor stoop to motivate their cowardice with empty words. At moments such as these, the leaders must force themselves to make a heroic decision and break the neck of defeatism.

However, when an organization chooses to perform the most difficult tasks, it must make certain that the will of the Volk is expressed in a single voice. A movement can only feel itself called upon to accomplish the greatest of things when it inscribes above its door the words:

Party comrades, national comrades, when you enter here, you must fuse your will with the will of millions of others, then you must merge with this great will. You must become a man and entrust yourself to a leader.

Even I can err and make mistakes, but the decisive point is who has the fewest errors to show in the end. I have chosen this task because I would never in my life have been capable of choosing anything else and never will choose anything else, because it is natural for me that this is my life's work, and with it I either rise or fall.

I will never burden my party comrades with any labor or sacrifice which I would not be willing to shoulder myself, if necessary, be it a prison sentence or be it life itself.