Source: Domarus, p. 201

Hitler's Speech in Halle on December 17 and 18, 1932


Today we are the strongest political party in Germany. If our opponents are really serious about reaching agreement, then I ask them: why have you not, my advocates and patrons in the bourgeois camp, allowed [me] the power which you would not have hesitated to grant to any SPD Bonzen (big shots) to date? I will not allow myself to be treated worse than "the organizers of treason."

Do you believe that it would have been more advantageous for our Movement had we been torpedoed together with von Papen? I have never perceived Reich Government as the Verdun of the Western Front. It is not our job to do things like put ruined states back in order and then allow ourselves to be kicked for it in the end. We have already experienced that, for example in Thuringia. I protest most strongly against the accusation that we have only made mistakes. Had my work consisted of nothing but mistakes, how could seven men have turned into a Movement of millions?

I will never be able to act like any arbitrary party leader who one day turns up at a college lecture because his business has gone bankrupt. I am not fighting in order to make concessions, and much less to capitulate.