Source: Domarus, pp. 222-223;

Hitler speaks on January 23, 1933

The rootlessness and disunity of the present government's economic policy is only a reflection of its own ideological rootlessness and disunity. What I am accusing them of is the fact that their actions are so perfectly unsystematic and haphazard.

We have the Volk behind us, but they are backed merely by their own conceit. Wiping out centuries of rotten tradition and prejudice is a larger task than forming a new government. The mission which Providence has assigned to the National Socialist Movement is that of elevating Germany once more.

If we once again succeed in making Germans out of proletarians and the bourgeoisie, then Germany's future is secure. And if, in light of this goal, I judge a certain government to be fitting, then I will create this government, and no other! I do not believe in advances! It has to be an honest game in which we give the others our strength and, in exchange, they give us the corresponding power.

When people tell me that we would have risen to power in three months at any rate [albeit without holding the Chancellorship in the government], then I answer: then I would rather wait these three months. Have no illusions about the ironclad structure of our Party.

I know that the army of 100,000 under my leaders is as loyal to me as I am loyal to the Movement.

This Movement possesses perseverance, steadfastness, straightforwardness, determination, and boldness. We have once again taken our flag in our fist to continue the struggle with more energy than before on the way to the Endsieg.