In less than 100 years, Marxism has grown from a Machiavellian scheme in the twisted minds of Marx, Engles and a few other Jews, until today it is a scientific, terroristic monster astride the backs of half the earth's population, with powerful, slimy tentacles reaching secretly into the lives of all the rest of the people.
By the use of incredibly clever lies, diabolically calculated to appeal to the noblest emotions of humanity, and by the enshrinement of its devilish doctrines as a RELIGION which is supplanting the failing powers of the older, genuine religions, Marxism has raced to the point wnere only a major miracle can halt its rapid and inevitable triumph over the entire planet.
No laws, no present organization, no government in existence, and no ordinary doctrine can stay the historical march, of this evil giant. It should be obvious that the "democracies", rotted to the core with corruption, weakness and Jewish manipulations, have been the very breeding ground of Marxism, and it is ridiculous to pretend that these very forces which could not prevent the growth of the red monster, which actually fostered and nurtured it, can now destroy it.
Marxism is actually a new RELIGION - the cleverly disguised scientific worship of self - the religion of naked egotism which presumes to conquer Nature. Only an OPPOSITE doctrine, a doctrine of selflessness and idealism based on scientific TRUTH, advanced and held with the same religious fanaticism as Marxism, can inspire men with the miraculous powers to reverse the world revolution of evil, which has almost passed into history as an accomplished FACT.
The only doctrine capable of such a heroic task - the only doctrine with the proven power to fire the minds and hearts of millions of men to fight and CONQUER Jewish Bolshevism, is National Socialism - the doctrine of IDEALISM - the SACRIFICE of the selfish, ingrown EGO for the good of one's fellows - the stuff of all great religions. With such mighty inspiration, tiny Davids have ever conquered their Goliaths, as we shall ours.
Unless the White Man can throw off years of Jewish brain washing, muster the courage to face up to the nightmarish lateness of the situation, and organize himself into an effective, unified world organization to FIGHT for his ideals and against the Jew and his horrible Marxism, the White Man will soon sink forever in a brown chaos of degradation, slavery and eventual death. For, while it is mathematically certain that, except for a miracle, the Jews will soon conquer the earth with their Marxism, subversion and Zionist imperialism, their victory will be their last act on earth. Like the eternal parasites they are, the Jews will soon perish in the eaten-out corpse of their dead host.
Therefore, we announce our purpose to be nothing less than a world-wide effort to free humanity from Jewish domination and subversion in all their forms, and the creation of the idealistic, racially realistic, socially progressive, international world ORDER which we must have, if we are to remain masters of our own planet.
To this world-wide goal, we solemnly pledge our lives.
American Nazi Party
World Union of National Socialists
928 N. Randolph St. Arlington, Va.
WE BELIEVE that an honest man can never be happy in a naked scramble for material gain and comfort, without any goal which he believes is greater than himself, and for which he is willing to sacrifice his own egotism. This goal was formerly provided by fundamentalist religions, but science and subversion have so weakened all traditional religions, and given man such an unwarranted, short-sighted conceit of his "power over Nature", that he has, in effect, become his own God. He is spiritually lost even if he will not yet admit it. We believe that the only realistic goal which can still lift man out of his present unhappy selfishness and into the radiance of self-sacrificing idealism, is the upward struggle of his race, the fight for the common good of his people.
WE BELIEVE that society can function successfully and therefore happily, only as an ORGANISM: that all parts benefit when each part performs the function for which it is best suited to produce a unified, single-purposed WHOLE, which is then capable of out-performing any single part, the whole thus vastly increasing the powers of all cooperating parts, and the parts, therefore subordinating a part of their freedom to the whole; that the whole perishes and all parts therefore suffer whenever one part fails to perform its own function, usurps the function or interferes with the function of another part, or, like a cancer, devours all the nourishment and grows wildly and selfishly all out of proportion to its task - which latter is exactly the effect on society of the parasitic Jews and their Marxism.
WE BELIEVE that man makes a genuine progress only when he approaches Nature humbly, and accepts and applies her eternal laws, instead of arrogantly assuming to ignore and conquer Nature, as do the Marxists, with their environmentalism, special laws of biological equality for humans only, and insane denial of the primitive and fundamental institution of private property.
WE BELIEVE that struggle is the vital element of all evolutionary progress and the very essence of life itself; that it is the only method whereby we have won and can maintain dominion over the other animals of the earth; that we must therefore welcome struggle as a means of testing and improving us, and that we must despise weaklings who run away from struggle. We believe that life itself is awarded by Nature only to those who fight for and win it, not to those who wish or beg for it as a "right".
WE BELIEVE that no man is entitled to the services and products of the labor of his fellow men, unless he contributes at least an EQUAL amount of goods or services of his own production or invention. We believe that the contribution by a member of society of NOTHING ELSE but the tokens called "money" is a fraud upon his fellows, and does not excuse a man capable of honest work of his responsibility to PRODUCE his share.
WE BELIEVE that it is to the advantage of society to see that every honest man has freedom and opportunity to achieve his maximum potentials by preserving his health, protecting him from unforeseeable and ruinous catastrophes, educating him to capacity in the areas of his abilities, and guarding him against economic and political exploitation.
WE BELIEVE that Adolf Hitler was the gift of an inscrutable Providence to a world on the brink of Jewish-Bolshevik catastrophe, and that only the blazing spirit of this heroic man can give us the strength and inspiration to rise, like the early Christians, from the depths of persecution and hatred, to bring the world a new birth of radiant idealism, realistic peace, international order, and social justice for all men.
These seven principles are the rock of our faith. With them, we shall move the world.
The political "party program" we adopt, based or these principles, can and will change as events and the facts change; as we discover better methods. But these seven principles are, for us, fundamental, absolute and timeless TRUTH. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE.
We bind ourselves permanently and without reservation to these ideals, and the battle to establish them as the only scientific and realistic basis for human society.