Author: George Lincoln Rockwell

Year: 1972

Source: George L. Mosse Collection 1878-2001 (page 150). Also reprinted in Extremism in America: A Reader (page 130)

Note: This is from a pamphlet distributed around the country published somewhere in the 1970s by George Lincoln Rockwell.

American Program

The Jewish Problem

We shall investigate, try, and execute all Jews proved to have taken part in Marxist or Zionist plots of treason against their Nations or humanity.

We shall immediately remove all disloyal Jews from positions where they can control non-Jewish thoughts or actions, particularly from the press, government, education, entertainment and courts.

We shall expose the criminal nature of the hate-book of the Jews, the Babylonian Talmud, by wide publication of its actual vicious words of hate and extermination of all non-Jews.

We shall cancel all debts owed to Jews by non-Jews, where there is evidence of unfair or immoral business methods or conspiracy.

We shall establish an International Jewish Control Authority to carry out the above measures on a world-wide basis, to protect the rare honest Jews from the wrath of the people newly awakened to the truth about the Jews, and to make a long-term, scientific study to determine if the Jewish virus is a matter of environment and can be eliminated by education and training, or if some other method must be developed to render Jews harmless to society.

We shall establish an International Treason Tribunal to investigate, try, and publicly hang, in front of the Capitol, all non-Jews who are convicted of having acted consciously as fronts for Jewish treason or subversion, or who have violated their oaths of office, or participated in any form of treason against their Nation or humanity.

The Negro

We shall appropriate ten billion dollars a year, for five years, from the money now being wasted fighting over integration, poured into foreign aid, and lost on Negro crime, and use the money to build a modern, industrial nation in Africa, complete with shopping centers, airlines, super-highways, cities and handsome suburbs, and everything eise to make it the finest in the world; and then grant $10,000 to every Negro family of five or more migrating to the new land to help them build a home and establish a business. We believe that if this is done with ABSOLUTE SINCERITY, we can make up to our sorely oppressed "second class citizens" some of the injury and degradation we have heaped upon them, and help them to regain their self-respect and dignity as first class citizens who will lead their own Continent out of its Darkness with their American know-how and our sincere and generous help. It is inconceivable that any significant number of Negroes will resist such an inspiring and historical opportunity. But no Negroes will be FORCED to return to Africa.

However, Negroes remaining in America will be rigidly segregated non-citizens.

White Survival

We shall establish a National Eugenics Commission, to discourage the unlimited breeding of the least desirable elements of our society, to sterilize those who are hopelessly insane or otherwise biologically dangerous to innocent, unborn children, and to encourage, with early marriage subsidies and bonuses for childbirth, the reproduction of our best human stock.


We shall make citizenship a proud privilege to be earned, not a right carelessly awarded simply by birth in a certain geographical area. To be a citizen, an individual must have passed his eighteenth birthday, passed certain minimum tests of knowledge and ability to understand his government, be in the process of education or engaged in a productive enterprise, and be prepared to give his life in the defense of his Country and race. The conferring of citizenship shall be a major ceremony, to impress on all the precious privilege of membership in the greatest race and the greatest Nation ever to appear on the planet.

World Order

We shall assist all peoples to throw off the yokes of colonial oppression, and establish their own free National Socialist governments.

We shall abolish the Marxist United Nations, and establish, in its stead, an organic Union of Free Enterprise National Socialist States, with a world police force to maintain order, and to bring the blessings of REAL peace, international responsibility and political sanity to the peoples of the earth.

Social Sanity

We shall enact laws to protect every honest, working citizen from unforeseeable and ruinous catastrophes of all kinds; to assure him of education and training to the top level of his capacity (but ONLY to that level); to assure him of vital medical and hospital facilities by providing medical coupons usable with any physician and redeemed by the Government; to protect him from "easy-payment" debt by insuring that every working man can earn enough to live decently without mortgaging his future to do it; to make easily available to all citizens major recreation facilities, such as vacation cruises, which give life zest and color, but which are presently dependent on wealth; to make all defense lawyers in criminal cases paid officers of the court, like the prosecutor, and not paid by the accused, to remove the weight of money from the processes of justice involving the life or liberty of a citizen; and to protect the people from political and economic exploitation by any individual or group.


We shall abolish the Federal Reserve Central Bank set up in violation of the Constitution, cancel all illegal debt resulting from the semi-private issuance of INTEREST-BEARING money instead of genuine National money, and issue all currency solely by the National Government, with no interest.

We shall establish a National Economic Integrity Commission to eliminate speculation, the immoral gambling by idle men in the labor of others, as a sole means of earning money. The commission will insure that no able man is permitted to enjoy a lion's share of the luxury, products and services created by the labor of others without contributing his own share of goods and services by his own management, invention or labor. The mere delivery of some of the tokens called "money", with absolutely no productive effort by a man enjoying the goods and services of society, is a fraud on society, disintegrates the character of such an idle individual, and destroys the honesty and strength of the society which permits it.

No one man or group will be permitted to profit from ownership of any public necessity which constitutes a monopoly. A monopoly shall be considered to exist whenever it would be impossible or impractical to have competition, and shall be owned only by the whole people.

We shall abolish the Marxist progressive income tax, and establish, in so far as possible, direct taxes on the users of schools, roads, etc., with a manufacturer's tax to finance the facilities needed by all the people.

Family, Home, School

We shall take vigorous measures to restore to women the dignity and status they deserve as the creators of our citizens, and to eliminate the terribly disruptive idea that being the mother of a family is a job for any ignorant female, that she is just a drudging "housewife", that a woman must do something MORE, something masculine, to prove she is equal".

We shall elevate Family Management to the status of a genuine profession, which it should be, and establish Universities of Family Management to train women in a scientific and satisfying manner in pediatrics, gestation and birth, family economics, nutrition, family culture, philosophy and the arts, etc. Graduates will be granted degrees having the same status as Law or Medical degrees, and honored by every agency of the community for their accomplishment in the fields of their natural abilities and needs. We assert that a cultured, professional. thoroughly capable MOTHER is the equal of any man on earth, and will see to it that society recognizes that fact.

On the other hand, we shall eliminate from our civilization the disruptive doctrines of a false "equality" - meaning sameness with men - which is masculinizing and frustrating millions of our good women, breaking up our marriages, and wrecking our sacred family life. We shall encourage the restoration of the father as master of the home, grant subsidies where necessary to give the home and children a full-time mother, and promote in every way the rebuilding of the home and family as the very fountainhead of goodness in our people.

We shall put an end to the foolishness of "progressive education", and give our youth a disciplined ability to think and understand, rather than "social values" which they should get in the home. We shall establish a physical culture program with something more than desultory games and half-hearted calisthenics, to harden and steel our youth to maximum physical fitness and exhuberant health.

Business, Farm, Labor

We shall remove all possible controls from labor, the businessman and the farmer, and allow free enterprise and free bargaining to produce the efficiency unobtainable with any bureaucratic controls. We shall assist each group to form its own control councils, on a local basis, to maintain order and communication, and national industrial councils to establish policies of mutual benefit. The government will keep hands off all honest enterprisers, labor and farmers so long as they do not coerce one another, take unfair advantage, or threaten the whole people, when compulsory arbitration will take place.

As a temporary measure, to protect all honest producers during the necessarily chaotic conditions following removal of the present crazy patch-work of controls and subsidies, we shall guarantee all honest producers a decent level of family income, until genuine free enterprise can bring genuine and natural order to the economy.

Honest Free Press

We shall make it a penitentiary offense for any medium of public information or entertainment to CONSCIOUSLY MISLEAD THE PUBLIC by lies, misrepresentations, omissions, deletions, or by any other method whatsoever.

To insure the real freedom of the press, which is presently only a myth in view of the need for millions of dollars to reach any significant segment of the population today, we shall establish a National Free Opinion Network of Newspapers, TV, Radio, Books and Magazines. These facilities will be available, upon petition, to any group of 1,000 or more citizens, for decent presentation of their views to the nation without cost; subject, of course, to the penalties for conscious lying.

Crime, Vice

We shall deal ruthlessly and efficiently with habitual and natural criminals, and drive them permanently out of existence, instead of the present tearful dabbling with them as "lost sheep". At the same time, we recognize that millions of our best people are driven, under the impossible chaos of our times, into situations where there is almost no escape from the pressures except some illegal action. We shall remove the pressures from these oppressed people with the rest of this program, and take every measure to help these basically good people, and restore them to a productive role in the community.

We shall rescue most of the growing hordes of criminal teen-agers by dealing with their need for aggression, action, danger and excitement realistically, by ending the nonsense of clubs and tea-parties, and forming them into para-military volunteer Police Youth Auxiliaries, to patrol America's crime-ridden streets, and turn would-be muggers, etc. over to regular authorities.

Since we recognize that it a utterly impossible to suppress entirely drinking and gambling in human society, we shall remove these two sources of much crime from the criminals, and establish a generous national lottery, and place the sale of alcoholic beverages under a control board. At the same tune, we shall ruthlessly suppress all forms of vice, such as prostitution, dope addiction, homosexuality, etc., which are NOT universal and necessary, and which cannot be tolerated in any form without breeding disintegration and disease.


We shall use only legal, constitutional means to win power in the United States, because we know the people will demand our services in government when they finally awake to the Jewish subversion of our people. Until then, we must train, and be prepared to establish an orderly government when the present false prosperity, false peace, false welfare, and false government blow sky-high under the blows of the Jews, as they surely will.

In power, we shall re-establish the actual function of the electoral college as intended by the wise founding Fathers of our Country to protect us from demagoguery, and we shall return the election of Senators to the State Legislatures.

We shall make the pay of all government employees directly dependent on their efficiency, apply modern business methods to government operation, and ruthlessly eliminate the hordes of bureaucratic parasites who make our present government the world's most wasteful, inefficient and extravagant.

We shall call a constitutional convention to draw up amendments and strike out others so enable all the above program, and to insure that never again can any subversive conspiracy bring this great Nation to the very brink of extinction.