Author: Richard Kelly Hoskins
Source: Our Nordic Race (1958)
There are people who laugh at the idea that an entire race could become extinct. With so many members of our Nordic race, how could our race possibly become extinct? Nonsense!
Students of racial history know that there is already one race, a race in every respect as advanced as our own Nordic race, which, with the exception of a few throwbacks and isolated examples, has already become extinct.
For the lack of a better name historians call it the Mediterranean Race. In almost no respect does it resemble the present mixed-breed inhabitants of the Mediterranean basin.
The Egyptians of the Egyptian golden age were of that race. The Phoenicians were in part Mediterranean, as were the Carthaginians. In addition it is believed that the Babylonians were also of this great people. The ancient and advanced culture which the Greeks found on the tiny island of Crete was the work of this race, who also had colonies in Spain and worked tin mines in England.
Archaeologists say that taking the skeleton of a modern day Englishman and comparing it with the skeleton of a member of the vanished Mediterranean race, it would be difficult to tell the living specimens apart. They had the dark brown hair and regular features, but different they were, in spite of the possibility of a distant common ancestor.
This is the race which built the great pyramids of Egypt, the temples and irrigation ditches. It was they who gave to the world the most advanced religions until the time of Christ. Great shipbuilders, traders, and navigators, they knew the heavens and charted the stars. It is entirely possible that the ancient deserted ruins in far away South Africa may have been the work of these daring and masterful people.
What happened to this light of the ancient world? Of course, the same thing that happened to many nations of our own Nordic Race in more recent times. It's the plow horse—race horse story again.
Quote from earlier: To blame the fall of Rome and Greece on their morals, debt or decay, is very like blaming a plow horse for not winning the Kentucky Derby because of the lack of oats, too little exercise, or poor environment. These arguments may have merit, but the fact must be faced that a plow horse has not, can not, and will never win the Kentucky Derby, simply because he is a plow horse.
At a very early age the Mediterranean Egyptians sent explorers and traders into the interior of Africa. There they found gold and precious stones, elephant ivory, and their greatest find, black ivory—Negro slaves. These they brought back by the hundreds of thousands over the centuries in spite of the laws prohibiting their importation into Egypt. They proved to be quite a source of wealth to that nation. They labored on the irrigation ditches, built private homes, temples, pyramids, served in the armies, and, when freed, interbred with the native Egyptians.
This is what the Saturday Evening Post of April 27, 1907 had to say on the subject:
"Curiously enough, we find these early Egyptians deploring the evil effect upon their race caused by an admixture of negro blood. It seems uncanny in this twentieth century of grace to hear this far-away protest against miscegenation, and to reflect how little humankind has changed.
"Thus complained the Egyptians:
This constant infiltration of free or slavish Bedawin (Arabic) blood and the large number of black women found in the harems of the rich, and even in the huts of the common people, quickly impaired the purity of the race, even among the upper classes of the nation, and the type came to resemble that of the negro tribes of Equatorial Africa. The language fared no better in the face of this invasion, and the written character soon became as corrupt as the language; words foreign to the Egyptian vocabulary, incorrect expressions, and barbarous errors in syntax were multiplied without stint. The taste for art decayed, and technical ability began to deteriorate, the moral and intellectual standard declined, and the mass of the people showed signs of relapsing into barbarism: the leaders of the aristocracy and the scribes alone preserved almost intact their inheritance from an older civilisation.
Gaston Maspero. The Passing of the Empires: 850 B.C. to 330 B.C. (1900)
Once a race which produces original thought breeds with a race which produces little or no original thought, the resulting breed is a failure.
Phoenicia destroyed herself long before her child, Carthage. But in time Carthage, rotten within, fell before Nordic Rome.
Years later, the remnants of the Mediterranean Race, fanatic with the teachings of Muhammad, emerged from their isolation in the Arabian deserts to conquer the world. These Arab Mediterranean Mohammedans furnished the world with beautiful architecture, engravings, writing and teachings, before they, too, bred with the polygot people of their conquests, and vanished, leaving behind wonderful monuments to their vanished race.
It was thus that the mighty Mediterranean Race climbed the highest heights of civilization, but found that civilization doesn't create a people. Only a people who contribute a great amount of original thought can create a civilization, maintain it, and improve it. The important thing is not the civilization, but only and everlastingly the people.